Business Solutions

TechSolvers are ready to solve all your business IT requirements

Our technology specialists have decades of experience delivering solutions to businesses globally. From home office to small business office and right up to large corporate enterprises, TechSolvers have the technical expertise to solve your business problems.

Whether your requirements are Desktop Support, New Technology Installations, Hardware Upgrades or otherwise, we have specialists that can help you.

Our Technology Specialist are ready to help solve your business IT problems.

Desktop Support For Business

Our Technology Specialist are ready to help solve your business IT problems.

Your business depends on a solid technology platform so that your daily operations run smoothly. When problems arise, you need the best support at hand. With the right IT team, issues can be resolved quickly, allowing your business to continue generating revenue.

Our Technology Specialists are experts across a broad range of servers, desktops & networking devices. When trouble strikes (and it will), you can trust us to solve your problems promptly.

Our Technology Specialists can solve your business IT server problems.

Business Server Management

Our Technology Specialists can solve your business IT server problems.

Numerous small businesses rely on servers as part of their IT platform. Typically the servers are installed appropriately but the ongoing management to ensure they run with important patches and upgrades is frequently overlooked.

TechSolvers can take management responsibility of your servers and address these important areas. We can also identify end of life hardware/software and implement a monitoring framework that improves problem awareness and resolution.

TechSolvers can help you solve your business IT networking challenges

Business Network Management

TechSolvers can help you solve your business IT networking challenges

Small businesses often start with an ad-hoc network which expands as their business grows. As more network devices are introduced, the complexity of the network grows. This growth left unmanaged will eventually lead to performance problems.

Our Technology Specialists are experts at Network Discovery. We can quickly create Network Diagrams that describe all network-attached devices and identify potential bottlenecks. We can then use this information to determine capacity restrictions and security risks to your business.

Let TechSolvers manage your data centre requirements

Business Continuity Planning

BCP has the unfortunate quality of being largely unappreciated until a significant incident occurs.
Your ability to recover promptly requires planning. TechSolvers are perfectly positioned to help you achieve this objective.
We can perform an assessment of your environment and existing IT processes (ie Data Backup / Archival, AntiVirus, Network Authentication etc). TechSolvers can propose a number of options to address the risks both common and unique to your business. We can also help you structure your BCP initiative in such a way so that immediate benefits can been realised. The sooner you can demonstrate return on investment, the better the chance of stakeholder buy in and sponsor commitment.


Although Cloud Technology has taken the front stage when it comes to IT platforms, many businesses still depend on servers for the purpose of running their operations.
Virtualization is a great way of improving the efficiency of physical servers so that numerous virtual instances can be run from a single server. Gone are the days of waiting weeks for a new server to be delivered because new virtual instances can be created in minutes.
We can help you understand how virtualization may help you achieve your business targets & reduce your costs. When you are comfortable proceeding, we can also plan and manage the implementation for your business.

Cloud Technology

The cost of owning and running your own physical servers can be very expensive due to the initial capital expenditure as well as the ongoing overheads. This is why many businesses choose to run applications/services in “the cloud” which frees up capital for other purposes. TechSolvers can help you identify the areas where a Cloud strategy may deliver the most compelling cost benefit case. Let us help you execute a successful cloud migration strategy.

Let our Technology Specialists help solve your IT problems

IT Hardware Management

An efficient IT Procurement process is key to getting the best return on your IT capital expenditure. It’s also necessary to ensure that your assets continue to deliver on their expected outputs. TechSolvers can help you with all your business hardware needs. Our specialists can take care of gathering your requirements analysis and documenting your existing current state. We can also help define your current and target Total Cost of Ownership, ongoing vendor management and hardware acquisition.

We have Technology Specialists ready to help solve your hardware problems
TechSolvers support all the major brands used by businesses today.
TechSolvers support all the major brands used by businesses today.


Visit us at Kirrawee Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm. Sat/Sun visits by appointment only. We're up the ramp at 48 Waratah Street, Unit 10.


Same day service for additional $60 (subject to availability).


If we can't determine a solution, there's no charge.

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02 8502 8954

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